Google翻訳 vs みらい翻訳 vs DeepL翻訳:日本語論文の英文要旨を訳させてみた
最近の機械翻訳の進歩は本当にすごい。以前「みらい翻訳」を試してみて、その精度におののいたのですが(「みらい翻訳」を使って仕事をしました。(使用感) - 日比嘉高研究室)、先日来、DeepL翻訳という新手のサービスが登場して話題になっています。
This paper considers the history of Japanese retail bookstores in Manchuria, focusing on Japanese-language books, particularly before the establishment of the “Manchukuo.” After the introduction, Section 2 explores the state of retail stores after the Russo-Japanese War, and Section 3 surveys the distribution of retail stores across Manchuria. Section 4 discusses the foundation and function of the merchant union of bookstores in Manchuria, and Section 5 gives an overview of the retail bookstore business, paying attention to the time of bookstore establishment and geographical distribution. Section 6 presents a quick look at the profiles of bookstores and their owners. The above is a fundamental and important work to consider the social basis that defines the Japanese culture in the Manchurian region, including the Kwantung Leased Territory, and “Manchukuo” and will provide a wide range of information not only about the history of print culture but also about historical research with an interest in the spread of Manchurian intellectual culture.
This article considers the retail history of Japanese books in Manchuria. The main target is a book store that handles Japanese books. Above all, it considers the history of retail bookstores before the establishment of Manchuria, which had been largely untouched. After the introductory section, Section 2 checked the status of retail stores after the Russo-Japanese War, and Section 3 looked at the distribution of retail bookstores throughout Manchuria. Section 4 discusses the establishment and function of the Manchuria Books (magazine) trade union, and Section 5 provides an overview of retail bookstore sales, paying attention to the time of the bookstore's appearance and the geographical distribution. Section 6 gives a glimpse of the profile of each retail bookstore and its owner. The above is the basic and important work to consider the social infrastructure that defines the Japanese culture of the Manchuria area (including Kanto state in this case) and "Manchuria". It will provide a wide range of insights into historical research that is interested in the spread of intellectual culture in Manchuria.
In this discussion, we consider the retail history of Japanese books in "Manshu". Book stores dealing with Japanese books are mainly targeted. In particular, we consider the history of retail bookstores before the establishment of the "Manchukuo" which has hardly been touched. After the introduction, in Section 2, the state of retail stores after the Russo-Japanese War was confirmed, and in Section 3, the distribution of retail stores across Manchuria was surveyed. Section 4 discussed the formation and function of the Manshu-Shoseki (magazine) merchant union, and Section 5 gave an overview of the retail bookstore business, paying attention to the time of the appearance of the bookstore and the geographical distribution. Section 6 took a quick look at the profiles of retail bookstores and their owners. The above is a fundamental and important work to consider the social basis that defines the Japanese culture of the Manchurian region (This includes the Kwantung Leased Territory) and "Manchukuo" and will provide a wide range of knowledge not only for the history of publishing culture but also for historical research with an interest in the spread of Manchurian intellectual culture.
This essay examines the retail history of Japanese books in "Manchuria". The main target is bookstores that sell Japanese books. In particular, he considers the history of retail bookstores prior to the establishment of Manchukuo, which has been largely untouched. After the introductory section, the second section confirms the status of retail shops after the Russo-Japanese War, and the third section looks at the distribution of retail bookstores throughout Manchuria. Section 4 discusses the establishment and functioning of the Manchurian book (magazine) trade association, and Section 5 provides an overview of the retail bookstore business, paying close attention to the time of the bookstore's appearance and its geographical distribution. Section 6 provides a glimpse into the profile of each retail bookstore and its owner. The above is a fundamental and important work to consider the social foundations that defined the Japanese language culture of Manchuria (including Kanto State in this case) and the "Manchukuo", and it will provide a wide range of knowledge for historical studies that are interested not only in the history of publishing culture, but also in the spread of Manchu intellectual culture in general.
- 3文目の主語(原文の日本語では省略されている論文の書き手「私」)の解釈が分かれている。"we"としたみらい翻訳に軍配か。空白の主語を"he"と補ったDeepL翻訳は、ちょっとジェンダー・バイアス、あるんじゃない?
- 3つとも書店を複数形にしてきたので、立派だと思う。ただGoogle翻訳はややこの点弱めか。
- 関東州を"Kwantung Leased Territory"と訳したみらい翻訳、まじすごい。どんな学習をさせているんだろ…。(ここでいう「関東州」は戦前の日本の租借地なのです)
ただ、DeepL翻訳は、インターフェイスや細かい機能に工夫があるようです。たとえば、作成させた英文の訳語の選択ができます。bookstoreをbooksellerにしたいとかいうときに、語にカーソルを合わせると、推測変換?で代替候補がポップアップで示されます。便利! ただ、現状では、1箇所の訳語を変えても、連動して他が変わっていきませんね。そこがドミノ式にバタバタバタって変わっていったら、感動するなぁ。やれません?やれそうだけど。またカーソルを合わせている文も、色が変えられていて、ユーザーフレンドリーです。こうした翻訳エンジン部分以外のインターフェイスの進化も、ありがたいですね。